Welcome to ASF Swag - a place you can show your geeky wit and support for The Apache Software Foundation (ASF) at the same time.
A portion of all profits from sales of feathered items are donated to the ASF.
- «No, I won't fix your webserver»
- Always a handy shirt to have if you're known as a geek.
- Go ask #apache
mod_rewrite on your server
The directives are a ball
But the ones on your website
Don't do anything at all
Go ask #apache
I think they'll know
- 100: Buy me beer
- Demand the beer you deserve (mens)
- 100: Buy me beer
- Demand the beer you deserve (ladies)
- 100: Buy me beer
- If you don't want to be as upfront about your beer (ladies)
- 403: Don't call me
- Ever. Again. For when you've had enough beer
- 302: The answers you seek are Found elsewhere
- Sorry, this geek can't help you today
- 302: If you can read this
- You are definitely close enough, honey
- Jersey for young coders
- Start your kids on the path to committer early
- Feathered toddler t-shirt
- Start your kids on the path to committer really early
- Mail some ASF Goodwill
- Send this from your vacation and impress your geek
- Mousepad with the feather
- Let your mouse know what's running that webserver
- Buttons, buttons, buttons
- Which one do I push to HUP?

All items are licensed by the Public Relations Committee of The Apache Software Foundation. The feather and other indicia are trademarks of the ASF.
If you are a committer attending ApacheCon US 2008 and are interested in a shirt, email me privately. If there is sufficient interest, I'll make a bulk order at cost for folks. If there's enough people who ask, I'll also offer shirts from other vendors besides CafePress, too!