Want to wear the feather?

ASF feather logo - contributor Welcome to ASF Swag - a place you can show your geeky wit and support for The Apache Software Foundation (ASF) at the same time. A portion of all profits from sales of feathered items are donated to the ASF.

«No, I won't fix your webserver»
Always a handy shirt to have if you're known as a geek.
Go ask #apache
mod_rewrite on your server
The directives are a ball
But the ones on your website
Don't do anything at all

Go ask #apache
I think they'll know
100: Buy me beer
Demand the beer you deserve (mens)
100: Buy me beer
Demand the beer you deserve (ladies)
100: Buy me beer
If you don't want to be as upfront about your beer (ladies)
403: Don't call me
Ever. Again. For when you've had enough beer
302: The answers you seek are Found elsewhere
Sorry, this geek can't help you today
302: If you can read this
You are definitely close enough, honey
Jersey for young coders
Start your kids on the path to committer early
Feathered toddler t-shirt
Start your kids on the path to committer really early

Mail some ASF Goodwill
Send this from your vacation and impress your geek
Mousepad with the feather
Let your mouse know what's running that webserver
Buttons, buttons, buttons
Which one do I push to HUP?

All items are licensed by the Public Relations Committee of The Apache Software Foundation. The feather and other indicia are trademarks of the ASF.

If you are a committer attending ApacheCon US 2008 and are interested in a shirt, email me privately. If there is sufficient interest, I'll make a bulk order at cost for folks. If there's enough people who ask, I'll also offer shirts from other vendors besides CafePress, too!

Support the ASF!

Community over Code

Send Shane Affiliate Love!

Comment on my blog!

ApacheCon US 2008 Conference Lead

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Unported License.